Stories of Hope: Marine Mammals and Ocean Health in the Bay Area Panel Discussion
People, wildlife and our ocean are inextricably linked, with the health of one depending on the health of the others. Together, as community members, scientists, educators and decision-makers, we are taking action today to protect our shared ocean for future generations of people and wildlife alike.
Join experts from the world’s largest marine mammal hospital, The Marine Mammal Center, to hear stories of hope.
Maria Brown, Panel Discussion Moderator and Superintendent of Cordell Bank and Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuaries
Dr. Jeff Boehm, Chief External Relations Officer
Kathi George, Director of Cetacean Conservation Biology
Dr. Emily Whitmer, Clinical Veterinarian
Adam Ratner, Director of Conservation Engagement
During this discussion, you’ll get a deep dive into how the Center is taking action to protect our ocean, including seal and sea lion rescue and rehabilitation, critical partnerships like WhaleSafe, ocean stewardship and more, as well as how we are all interconnected, what the future holds for ocean health and how you can get involved.
Waves of Change: From Plastics and Human Health to the Material Revolution
Join Parley for the Oceans' Lindsay Gordon, Oscar-winning director Louie Psihoyos, Scientist and Count Down author Dr. Shanna Swan, kelp material innovator Julia Marsh, and Parlay for the Oceans' own Director Khai Pacarro in this panel discussion and Q&A as they explore the science of plastics and human health, including the global fertility crisis and the already happening future that is "The Material Revolution."
Learn more about Parley for the Oceans' Panel Guests:
Lindsay Gordon is a marine conservationist and Head of Global Programs at Parley for the Oceans. With 15 years of experience working in the ocean space, Lindsay holds a Master’s from University of Washington’s School of Marine and Environmental Affairs, as well as a Bachelors from University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine Science.Forthe past 8 years, she has worked with her team and coastal communities around the world to develop programs to address plastic pollution issues through the lens of socioeconomic community wellbeing, creative collaboration, and direct action as part of theGlobal Cleanup Network.Most recently, Lindsay has engaged with efforts in Antarctica as an education specialist, and in her home of the Bay Area, to develop eco-grief workshops with local collaborators and to help support the annual nature-based Bioneers Conference team.
Panel will be taking place on Saturday April 12th at 3:30pm in the Tidepool building.