VR Lounge- Free event

Sunday, April 13th 10am to 4pm

Embark on an immersive virtual reality (VR) experience exploring coral reefs and mangrove forests of Southeast Asia in two unique 360° films. Dive into the vibrant biodiversity and conservation challenges of these vital ecosystems with renowned filmmaker Gretchen C. Coffman, PhD. Join the movement for community-based conservation and ecosystem restoration in this global biodiversity hotspot. Discover the beauty, threats, and hope for the future of our coastal environments—one film at a time. Free to attend.


Coral Reef Conservation 360 

Filmmaker: Gretchen C. Coffman, PhD

Run Time: 4:58 min

Country: Singapore

Come with our Tropical Restoration Ecology research team on an immersive virtual underwater journey to explore coral reefs around Southeast Asia from islands off the coast of Sabah Malaysian Borneo to Lombok Indonesia. This immersive virtual reality (VR) 360° film showcases the high biodiversity of coral reef ecosystems found throughout Southeast Asia, reveals impacts and threats to these ecosystems and endangered species, and hopes to inspire action for ground-up community-based conservation and ecosystem restoration. This film is the first in a series of eight 360° films entitled "Community, Conservation and Connectivity 360°". These VR 360° films aim to help viewers immerse themselves in and explore the beauty of the exceptionally high biodiversity of tropical ecosystems and endangered species around Southeast Asia. These films will help promote awareness of ongoing community-based conservation and restoration efforts and inspire conservation action in this global hotspot of biodiversity.

Mangrove Conservation 360 

Filmmaker: Gretchen C. Coffman, PhD

Run Time: 4:19 min

Country: Singapore

Journey into the heart of Lombok Island’s mangrove forests, where land and sea form a vital, interconnected ecosystem within the Coral Triangle. This immersive 360° experience highlights the critical role of mangroves in safeguarding coastal communities, filtering pollutants, providing blue carbon, and sustaining marine biodiversity. Explore the resilience of these ecosystems and the challenges they face—deforestation, coastal development, and rising sea levels threaten both forests and livelihoods. Yet, hope is taking root. Community-led restoration is revitalizing these landscapes, spearheaded by the SORCE Field School, local volunteers, researchers, and students from the University of Mataram and the National University of Singapore. From community-run mangrove nurseries to restoration efforts informed by science, each initiative strengthens coastal resilience. The future of our oceans begins here. Protect. Restore. Reconnect—From Roots to Reefs.

Waves of Change: From Plastics and Human Health to the Material Revolution

Join Parley for the Oceans' Lindsay Gordon, Oscar-winning director Louie Psihoyos, Scientist and Count Down author Dr. Shanna Swan, and kelp material innovator Julia Marsh in this panel discussion and Q&A as they explore the science of plastics and human health, including the global fertility crisis and the already happening future that is 'The Material Revolution.'

Learn more about Parley for the Oceans' Panel Guests:

Panel will be taking place on Saturday April 12th at 3:30pm in the Tidepool building.