ioff volunteer faqs

  • While we ask for your commitment once you've signed up for a shift, we understand that things can come up. Please let us know as far in advance as possible if you will not be able to make one or all of your shifts so that we may have time to cover them. We need each and every position filled for our festival operations to run smoothly, and we rely heavily on our volunteers.

    Similarly, if you have made an error on the signup form and wish to switch dates or times, please let me know immediately so that we can try to accommodate the change. EMAIL ALL SHIFT CANCELLATIONS AND CHANGES to: 

    TO 'CALL IN SICK' THE DAY OF A SHIFT OR TO LET US KNOW YOU ARE RUNNING LATE, PLEASE CALL OR TEXT. Phone number will be sent to all volunteers a few days before the festival.  

  • No, only enrolled volunteers will be admitted. Friends and family are welcome to purchase tickets to any of our wonderful programs and see you in the theater auditorium. Minors must be accompanied by another adult. 

  • No, but you are more than welcome to bring your own food and drinks or grab food nearby before or after your shift. Concessions may also be available for purchase at the theater.

  • We promise not to work you so hard you need it.

  • You have committed to the entire length of the shift, and we rely on you for the duration, which includes duties when the theater lets out at the end of a program.

  • Wow! We love that enthusiasm, and thank you, but we have all the hands we need.

  • At the start of your shift, so it is critical that you are on time for a quick briefing and instruction.

  • Please contact us in advance, and we can make sure you are comfortable in your role.

  • Yes, of course, but we ask that you are 100% focused on your responsibilities during your shift. Feel free to stick around after your shift and have a great time. 

  • We need you! And remember to bring your volunteer t-shirt if you are working multiple shifts.

  • Check out our website or contact us by email