Join us Sunday, April 14th at 4pm for our Program #9 at the Cowell Theater in San Francisco.
Adult General Admission $25
Senior General Admission $20
Youth General Admission $10
Full Access 3 Day Festival Pass BUY HERE
Includes all access to both in-person (4/12-4/14) and online film festival (4/15-4/22) programs and films, Friday Night 4/12 Opening Party (with light appetizers, hosted beer and wine bar), Panel Discussion VIP seating (4/13-4/14), Saturday Surf Night 4/13 Party (with hosted beer and wine bar), Priority Entry line (when available)
2 Day Weekend Pass BUY HERE
Includes all access to both in-person (4/13-4/14) and online film festival (4/15-4/22) programs and films, Panel Discussion VIP seating (4/13-4/14), Saturday Surf Night 4/13 Party (with hosted beer and wine bar), Priority Entry line (when available)
VIP Saturday Pass BUY HERE
Includes access to Program #3, Program #4, Program #5, and Program #6 Opening Night, Panel Discussion VIP seating (4/13-4/14), Saturday Surf Night 4/13 Party (with hosted beer and wine bar), Priority Entry line (when available)
Return of the Mangroves
Embark on a riveting journey with the Mangrove Action Project team as they return to El Salvador's enchanting Bay of Jiquilisco, a battleground in the fight to save Central America's vast mangrove forests. Twelve years after groundbreaking restoration efforts, the team returns to unveil the transformative power of their community-based ecological mangrove restoration approach and the resilient communities that call it home. —GCC
Sun, Apr 14th, 4:00 PM @ Cowell Theater - Fort Mason
Dahican illuminates the transformation of Filipino fishermen from turtle hunters to dedicated conservationists. The film captures their journey, emphasizing the crucial role of educating the younger generation in sustaining these efforts. A testament to the power of conservation awareness. The film is an uplifting exploration of positive change within communities striving to protect and preserve endangered species. —PH
Sun, Apr 14th, 4:00 PM @ Cowell Theater - Fort Mason
Walruses of the Chukchi Sea north of the Bering Strait need breaks––haulouts––now and then, but global warming has melted the ice floes they once used to rest and give birth. The result: up to 100,000 walruses including young calves one night crowd into the planet’s largest haulout, startling Russian marine biologist, Maxim Chakilev, who monitors the site every year. Hundreds are crushed in their overcrowded panic. ––SJPH
Sun, Apr 14th, 4:00 PM @ Cowell Theater - Fort Mason
The Blue Quest Palawan
In 2012, a retired French couple began restoring a small, devastated island in the Philippines’ Palawan UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, planting thousands of trees and mangroves and rebuilding reefs. Their Sea Academy spreads knowledge of the Reserve’s crucial food and economic importance for the local population. In a different way, “Mama Ranger” and the young rangers and scientists of reserve’s isolated Tubatahah reefs, share what they learn of the area’s wildlife with local fishermen and visiting divers. –– SJPH
Sun, Apr 14th, 4:00 PM @ Cowell Theater - Fort Mason