Marina Luccioni

Marina is a biologist and visual artist who works on projects that interface knowledge and scientific methods from local, indigenous, and western academic sources. Her family comes from the islands of Corsica and Java and she grew up in the UK. As a Biosciences PhD candidate and NSF Graduate Research Fellow at Stanford University, she collaborates with coastal communities in Hawaiʻi and in the Mediterranean to develop programs for monitoring and stewarding keystone and culturally important marine species including Goatfish, Moi (polydactylus sexfilis) and Cuttlefish. 

Marina loves film-making and makes short experimental films on the theme of human-environment relations, often involving dance. In her spare time, you can often find her ocean swimming, scuba-diving, or tide-pooling. She adores nudibranchs and painted her Prius in the pattern of the California Blue Dorid (felimare californiensis). 


Ana Blanco


Cecilia Cordero